Human Anatomy Requirement

Anatomical model of a rib cage showing muscle and bone structure.

The Human Anatomy Requirement for the MOT program is very content specific.

We require that all 3-credit or equivalent courses accepted to fulfill this requirement cover the following content areas:

  1. Upper limbs: bones, joints, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the upper limbs of the human body
  2. Lower limbs: bones, joints, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the lower limbs of the human body
  3. Trunk: bones, joints, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the back and thorax of the human body.

Accepted & Declined Courses

Anatomical model of a foot showing muscle and bone structure.

The MOT Program reviews and approves all courses that are accepted to fulfill the Human Anatomy requirement at the time of review. If you feel that a listing on either Human Anatomy Course list should be added or re-reviewed please email us at between August 1 – October 31 of the application year.

Applicants requesting this service must complete the Human Anatomy Assessment Form by providing eight (8) separate PDF files that demonstrate the requested course(s) cover all major objectives listed.

Applicants can only submit an application to the MOT program if they have completed, or will complete by April 30 of the application year, an accepted Human Anatomy course. Applications which list a course that does not appear on the list of Accepted Human Anatomy Courses will automatically be considered ineligible.

Province University Name Course Number Course Name Notes
Alberta Ambrose University ZOO 265 Human Anatomy
Alberta Athabasca University BIOL 235
distance education
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Alberta Burman University BIOL 111 + BIOL 112 111: Anatomy and Physiology I
112: Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
Alberta Lethbridge Polytechnic BIO 1160 + 1161 Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II Combination required
Alberta MacEwan University HLSC 104 & 105 104: Applied Human Anatomy
105: Applied Human Physiology
Combination required
Alberta MacEwan University HLSC 120 Human Anatomy
Alberta MacEwan University NURS 105 Anatomy No longer offered as of 2016
Alberta MacEwan University PEDS 100 Structural Human Anatomy
Alberta Mount Royal University BIOL 1220 & 1221 1220: Anatomy and Physiology I
1221: Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
Alberta Mount Royal University BIOL 2203 Human Anatomy
Alberta Mount Royal University PHYL 1512 Human Anatomy Formerly one of: PHED 1001,
HPED 1512, PHED 1224
Alberta University of Alberta KIN 100 Human Anatomy
Alberta University of Alberta ANAT 200 Human Morphology
Alberta University of Alberta ANAT 403 The Human Body
Alberta University of Alberta PEDS 400 or KIN 400 Human Gross Anatomy
Alberta University of Alberta PTHER 350
distance education
Structural Human Anatomy Formerly REHAB 350
Alberta University of Alberta-Augustana AUPED 112 Introduction to Structural Human Anatomy
Alberta University of Calgary KINES 259 + 260 259: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
260: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
Alberta University of Calgary KINES 261 Human Anatomy Not offered as of 2012
Alberta University of Calgary NRSG 203 + 204 203: Anatomy & Physiology I
204: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
Alberta University of Lethbridge KNES 2600 Functional Human Anatomy
British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology BHSC 1200 Human Anatomy and Physiology Equivalent to UBC’s KIN 190 +
British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology BHSC 5101 + 6101 5101: Anatomy & Physiology I
6101: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia Camosun College BIOL 152 + 153 152: Anatomy & Physiology I
153: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
Also offered as BIOL 150 + 151
British Columbia Camosun College BIOL 143 143: Anatomy for Sport Education
British Columbia Capilano University BIOL 112 + 113 112: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
113: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia Capilano University HKIN 190 + 191 190: Anatomy & Physiology I
191: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia College of New Caledonia HKIN 223 Functional Human Anatomy Renamed to KINS 131
British Columbia College of the Rockies (Cranbrook) KNES 200 + KNES 210 200: Intro Human Anatomy & Physiology I
210: Intro Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia Douglas College BIOL 1109 +1209 1109: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
1209: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
1103/1203 same course
British Columbia Langara College KINS 1190 + 1191 1190: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
1191: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
KINS 1131+1132 are equivalent.
BIO 1190 + 1191 are equivalent.
British Columbia North Island College Biology 160 +161 160: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
161: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia Okanagan College BIOL 131 & 133 131: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
133: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia Okanagan College THER 201 Gross Anatomy & Kinesiology
British Columbia Quest University LIF3407 + LIF3417 3407: Anatomy and Physiology A
3417: Anatomy and Physiology C
Combination required
British Columbia Simon Fraser University BPK 325
distance education
Basic Human Anatomy Formerly KIN 325
British Columbia Simon Fraser University BPK 326 Functional Anatomy Formerly KIN 326
British Columbia Thompson Rivers Open-Learning University BIOL 1592 & 1692 1592: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
1692: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia Thompson Rivers Open-Learning University BIOL 1593 & 1693
distance education
1593: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
1693: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
British Columbia Thompson Rivers Open-Learning University BIOL 3701
distance education
Human Anatomy for Health Care
Formerly named Advanced
Human Anatomy
British Columbia Thompson Rivers Open-Learning University KIN 3259
distance education
Basic Human Anatomy Not offered as of 2016
British Columbia Trinity Western University HKIN 400; HKIN 446
effective Fall 2014
Directed Studies (offered as special course
for students at TWU)
Contact for
information on registering
British Columbia University of British Columbia CAPS 391 Introduction to Gross Human Anatomy Formerly ANAT 391
British Columbia University of British Columbia KIN 131 + 132 (pre 2022W1) 131: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
132: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination Required
British Columbia University of British Columbia KIN 110 + 131 + 132
(2022W1 - )
110: Human Anatomy
131: Systems Physiology I
132: Systems Physiology II
Combination Required
British Columbia University of British Columbia BIOL 153 or 155 Human Biology: Physiology and
Introductory Anatomy
KIN 153 equivalent to BIOL 153.
British Columbia University of British Columbia KIN 190 + 191 190: Anatomy & Physiology I
191: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination Required.
British Columbia University of British Columbia KIN 489E; KIN 390
effective 2017
Human Functional Anatomy
British Columbia University of British Columbia-Okanagan HES 101 + 120 HES 101: Human Physiology I
HES 120: Introduction to Human Anatomy
Combination Required.
HES 101 equivalent to HMKN 190 or BIOL 131.
British Columbia University of British Columbia-Okanagan HMKN 190 + 191 190 & 191: Functional Anatomy and
Applied Physiology I & II
Combination Required
British Columbia University of British Columbia-Okanagan HMKN 391 Advanced Functional Anatomy Restricted to HMKN students
British Columbia University of British Columbia-Okanagan BIOL 131 + 133 131: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
133: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination Required
British Columbia University of Northern British Columbia HHSC 105 Functional Human Anatomy
British Columbia University of Northern British Columbia HHSC 111 + 112 111: Anatomy & Physiology I
112: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination Required
British Columbia University of the Fraser Valley KPE/KIN 170 + 270 + 370 170: Basic Human Anatomy
270: Human Physiology I
370: Human Physiology II*
Combination required
*KIN 272 may used in lieu of KIN
British Columbia University of Victoria EPHE 141 Introductory Human Anatomy
British Columbia University of Victoria EPHE 355 Functional Anatomy Restricted to EPHE students
British Columbia Vancouver Community College BIOL 1602 Human Anatomy and Physiology Also offered as NURS 1602
British Columbia Vancouver Island University BIOL 151 & BIOL 153 151: Anatomy and Physiology I
153: Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination Required.
British Columbia Vancouver Island University BIOL 156 & BIOL 157 156: Anatomy and Physiology I
157: Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required.
British Columbia Vancouver Island University KIN 201 Human Anatomy Formerly PHED 201
Manitoba Brandon University 94:414 Advanced Human Anatomy Also offered as 15:414
Manitoba University of Manitoba KIN 2320 Human Anatomy Formerly PHED 2320
Manitoba University of Winnipeg KIN 2301 Human Anatomy
Nova Scotia Acadia University BIOL 2813 Human Physiology & Anatomy I
Nova Scotia Acadia University KINE 1413 Applied Human Anatomy
Nova Scotia Cape Breton University BIOL 360 Human Anatomy & Physiology
Nova Scotia Dalhousie University ANAT 1010
distance education
Basic Human Anatomy Same as ANAT 1020, ANAT 1040
Nova Scotia Dalhousie University ANAT 2320 Kinesiological Anatomy Renamed to KINE 2320
Nova Scotia Dalhousie University ANAT 3010 Introductory Human Anatomy
Nova Scotia Dalhousie University HSCE 1020 & 1030 1020: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
1030: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
Ontario Brock University KINE 1P90 or 1P99 Human Systems Anatomy Either course is acceptable.
Ontario Brock University HLSC 2P95 Human Systems Anatomy Formerly CHSC 2F95 or HLSC 2F95
Ontario Lakehead University BIOL 2011 + 2012 2011: Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy
2012: Human Internal Anatomy
Combination required
Ontario Lakehead University BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy Not offered as of 2013
Ontario Laurentian University BIOL 2105 2105: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Ontario Laurentian University PHED 1506 + 1507 1506: Anatomy & Kinesiology I
1507: Anatomy & Kinesiology II
Combination required
Ontario McMaster University HTHSCI 1H06 Anatomy & Physiology
Ontario McMaster University HTHSCI 2F03 Human Anatomy & Physiology Previously to HS 2F03
Ontario McMaster University KIN 1Y03 + 1YY3
-or-KIN 1A03 + 1AA3
-or-KIN 2Y03 &2YY3
1Y03: Anatomy & Physiology I
1YY3: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
Ontario McMaster University KIN 4J03 Functional Anatomy
Ontario Nipissing University PHED 1206 Systemic Approach to Function Human
Anatomy I
Ontario Queen's University ANAT 101 Introductory Human Anatomy Same as ANAT 100
Ontario Queen's University ANAT 215 Principles of Human Morphology I
Ontario Queen's University ANAT 315 Human Musculoskeletal System
Ontario Redeemer University College KPE 118 + 119 Anatomy & Physiology I + II Same as PED 118 + 119
Combination required
Ontario Sheridan College ANAT 14178 Human Anatomy
Ontario Trent University BIOL 1050H Human Anatomy
Ontario University of Guelph HK 3401 + 3402 Human Anatomy I + II Combination required
Ontario University of Guelph-Humber KIN 1030 + 1040 Human Anatomy I + II Combination required
Ontario University of Ottawa ANP 1105 + 1106/ ANP 1505 + 1506 Anatomy & Physiology I + II Combination required
ANP 1505+1506 French ver.
Ontario University of Toronto ANA300Y1 Human Anatomy & Histology
Ontario University of Toronto - Missisauga BIO208H5 + BIO209H5 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II Combination required
Ontario University of Toronto - Scarborough BIOB33H3 Human Development and Anatomy Equivalent to PMDB33H3.
Ontario University of Waterloo AHS 150 Foundations of Human Anatomy & Physiology
Ontario University of Waterloo BIOL 201 Human Anatomy
Ontario University of Western Ontario KIN 1060A Systemic Approach to Functional Human Anatomy
Ontario University of Western Ontario ACB 2200 Systemic Human Anatomy
Ontario University of Western Ontario ACB 3324A Anatomy for Occupational Therapy Program Not offered as of 2016
Ontario University of Western Ontario HS 203A/KIN 222A
KIN 2222A KIN 2300A/B
Systemic Approach to Functional Anatomy Renamed to HS2300A/B
Kinesiology 2222A/B
Ontario University of Western Ontario HS 2330B Systemic Approach to Functional Anatomy
Ontario University of Windsor Human Anatomy 03-55-202 Human Anatomy
Ontario University of Windsor Human Anatomy 95-265-01 Functional Anatomy
Ontario Wilfred Laurier University HE 211 Human Anatomy Renamed to HN 210
Ontario Wilfred Laurier University KPE 223 Functional Human Anatomy Renamed to KP 221
Ontario York University KINE 3460 Regional Human Anatomy I Also coded as HH/KINE 3460
Ontario York University KINE 3465 Regional Human Anatomy II Also coded as HH/KINE 3465
Ontario York University SC/NATS 1650 Human Anatomy for the Fine Arts
Ontario York University IHST 1001 & 1002 1001: Anatomy and Physiology for Human
Health I
1002: Anatomy and Physiology for Human
Health II
Quebec Concordia University EXCI 253 + 254 253: Regional Human Anatomy I
254: Regional Human Anatomy II
Combination required ; Renamed
to EXCI 253 (Human Anatomy I:
Musculoskeletal Anatomy) and
EXCI 254 (Human Anatomy II:
Systemic Anatomy)
Quebec McGill University ANAT 214 & 314 214: Systemic Human Anatomy
314: Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Combination required
ANAT 315 equivalent to 314.
Quebec McGill University ANAT 315 & 316 315: Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy
316: Human Visceral Anatomy
Combination required
Quebec McGill University EDKP 205 Structural Anatomy
Saskatchewan University of Regina KIN 260 Human Anatomy Formerly KHS 168
Saskatchewan University of Saskatchewan ACB 221 Gross Human Anatomy Restricted to Kinesiology students;
Renamed to ACB 221.3 Gross
Saskatchewan University of Saskatchewan CPPS 310 Basic Human Anatomy
Australia University of Queensland BIOM 3003 Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy
China Capital Medical University HUM 512110052 Human Anatomy
China Peking University n/a Human Anatomy
China Shanghai Second Medical University n/a Regional Human Anatomy
Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University RS 203 + HSS 211 HS 203: Functional Anatomy HSS 211:
General Anatomy
Combination required
Iran Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
& Health Services
n/a Human Anatomy
Iran University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation
Sciences- Iran
n/a Human Anatomy
Israel Tel-Aviv University Anatomy 0104.1401 Anatomy
Singapore Nanyang Polytechnic University HS 1105 + 1106 1105: Human Anatomy 1A
1106: Human Anatomy 1B
Combination required
Singapore National University of Singapore LSM2212 Human Anatomy
USA (Boise) Boise State University BIOL 227, KIN 270 & 271 BIOL 227: Human Anatomy and Physiology
KIN 270: Applied Anatomy
KIN 271: Applied Anatomy Lab
Combination required ; Renamed
to KINES 270 and KINES 271
USA (California) Chaffey College BIOL 20 Human Anatomy
USA (California) Coastline Community College BIOL 220 General Human Anatomy Renamed to BIOL C220 (Human
USA (California) College of Alameda Biology 2 Human Anatomy
USA (California) Irvine Valley College BIO II Human Anatomy
USA (California) San Bernardino Valley College BIOL 250 + 251 250: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
251: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Combination required
USA (California) San Diego State University BIOL 212 Human Anatomy
USA (California) Sierra College BIO 0005 Human Anatomy Renamed to BIOL 0005
USA (California) Sonoma State University BIOL 220 Human Anatomy
USA (California) University of California-Berkeley BIOL 131 Human Anatomy (Integrative Biology)
USA (California) University of California-Davis CHA 101 Human Gross Anatomy
USA (California) West Valley College Human Anatomy Named BIO 47
USA (California) Yuba Community College BIOL 4 Human Anatomy
USA (Colorado) University of Colorado IPHY 3410 Introduction to Human Anatomy
USA (Florida) Florida International University ZOOL 3731 Human Anatomy Renamed to ZOO 3731
USA (Florida) Florida Memorial University BIO 212 Human Anatomy
USA (Idaho) Brigham Young University-Idaho BIOL 264 + 265 264: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
264L: (Lab Portion)
265: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
USA (Iowa) University of Iowa 027:053 Human Anatomy Renamed to HHP:1100
USA (Michigan) Hope College KIN 200 Human Anatomy Cross listed with BIOL 222
USA (Minnesota) University of Minnesota ANAT 3001 Human Anatomy Formerly INMD 3001
USA (Montana) University of Montana BIOH 201N & 211N Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II Combination required
USA (Nevada) Great Basin College BIOL 223 + 224 223: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
224: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
USA (New Jersey) Bergen Community College BIO 109-004 & BIO 209-013 109-004: Anatomy & Physiology I
209-013: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required; Course
codes renamed to BIO-109 and
USA (New Mexico) Central New Mexico Community College BIO 2210 + 2310 2210: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
2310: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required
USA (New York) State University of New York BIOL 220 + 225 220: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
225: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination required ; At SUNY
Plattsburg courses are BIO 326 +
BIO 327
USA (Oregon) George Fox University BIOL 332 Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II Now split into two courses: BIOL
221 + BIOL 222
USA (Oregon) Portland Community College BIOL 231 + 232 + 233 231: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
232: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
233: Human Anatomy & Physiology III
Combination required ; Renamed
to BI 231, BI 232, BI 233
USA (Oregon) University of Oregon HPHY 321 + HPHY 323 321: Human Anatomy I
323: Human Anatomy II
Combination required
USA (Utah) Brigham Young University EXSC 400 Functional Anatomy
USA (Utah) Brigham Young University PDBIO 210 distance education Human Anatomy
USA (Utah) Dixie State University BIOL 2320 & 2325 (Lab) Human Anatomy & Lab Combination Required
USA (Utah) University of Utah BIO 2325 Human Anatomy
USA (Washington) North Seattle Community College BIOL 241 + 242 241: Anatomy & Physiology I
242: Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination Required
USA (Washington) Peninsula College BIOL 241L Human Anatomy & Physiology I
USA (Washington) University of Washington B STR 301 Biology Structure – General Anatomy Formerly BIOL 301
BIOL 310 is equivalent.
USA (Washington) Whatcom Community College BIOL 241 + 242 241: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
242: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Combination Required
USA (Wisconsin) University of Wisconsin ANA 622 Human Anatomy
USA (Wisconsin) University of Wisconsin – Madison ANA 328 Human Anatomy
USA (Wisconsin) University of Wisconsin – Superior BIOL 270 & 280 Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II Combination Required

Province University Name Course Number Course Name Notes
Alberta Athabasca University BIOL 230 Human Physiology
Alberta Canadian University College BIOL 111 Anatomy and Physiology
Alberta Medicine Hat College PHED 206 Functional Anatomy
Alberta Mount Royal University ANAT 105 Human Anatomy
Alberta Mount Royal University BIOL 1203 Human Anatomy
Alberta Northern Alberta Institute of Technology SPFT 120 Human Anatomy
Alberta Southern Alberta Institute of Technology ANPH 210 Human Anatomy & Physiology
Alberta Red Deer College KNSS 200 Structural Human Anatomy
Alberta University of Alberta PEDS 100 Introduction to Structural Human Anatomy
Alberta University of Alberta PHYSL 210 Introduction to Human Physiology
Alberta University of Calgary BIOL 305 The Human Organism
Alberta University of Calgary ZOOL 361 Introduction to Human Physiology I
British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology BHSC 7601 Sectional Anatomy of the Abdomen & Pelvis
British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology BHSC 7602 Sectional Anatomy of the Thorax & Neck
British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology BHSC 7603 Sectional Anatomy of the Head
British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology BHSC 7604 Sectional Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System
British Columbia College of New Caledonia BIO 111 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
British Columbia Douglas College BIOL 1105 + BIOL 1205 1105: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
1205: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
British Columbia Kwantlen Polytechnic University BIOL 1160 Anatomy & Physiology I
British Columbia Selkirk College KPE 100 Introduction to Human Anatomy
British Columbia Simon Fraser University BPK 142 Introduction to Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology
British Columbia Simon Fraser University KIN 461 Physiological Aspects of Aging
British Columbia Thompson Rivers University HLTH 1121 Foundational Human Anatomy - Physiology for Health Promotion
British Columbia Trinity Western University BIOL 241 + 242 241: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
242: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
British Columbia University of British Columbia CAPS 390 (formerly ANAT
Microscopic Human Anatomy
British Columbia University of the Fraser Valley HSC 110 + 112 110: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
112: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
British Columbia University of Victoria BIOL 190A + 190B 190A: General Biology I
190B: General Biology II
Manitoba Red River College HEAL 1006 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
New Brunswick University of New Brunswick BIOL 1711 Human Anatomy I
New Brunswick University of New Brunswick BIOL 2753 Introduction to Human Anatomy
New Brunswick University of New Brunswick BIOL 2812 Human Anatomy II
New Brunswick Mount Allison University BIOL 3221 Human Anatomy
Newfoundland Memorial University of Newfoundland HKR 2310 Human Anatomy
Newfoundland Memorial University of Newfoundland HKR 2311 Human Anatomy & Physiology
Nova Scotia St. Francis Xavier University BIOL 251 + 252 251: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
252: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Ontario Brock University PEKN 2P04 Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Ontario Laurentian University PHED 1506 Human Anatomy & Kinesiology I
Ontario Laurentian University PHED 2506 + 2507 2506: Human Physiology I
2507: Human Physiology I
Ontario McMaster University KIN 1A07 Human Anatomy & Physiology
Ontario University of Ottawa APA 3311 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
Ontario University of Manitoba BIOL 1410 Anatomy of the Human Body
Ontario University of Toronto ANA 126 Elementary Gross Human Anatomy
Ontario University of Toronto BGBY 33H3 Development & Anatomy
Ontario University of Toronto BIOL 2023 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Ontario University of Western Ontario HS 333A/B Anatomy of the Human Body II
Ontario York University KINE 2031 Human Anatomy
Quebec Concordia University BIOL 200 Fundamentals of Human Biology
Quebec Concordia University DANC 350 Practical Anatomy for the Moving Body
Quebec McGill University EDKP 293 Anatomy & Physiology
Saskatchewan University of Regina KHS 267 + 268 267: Human Physiology I
268: Human Physiology II
Saskatchewan University of Saskatchewan ACB 210 Basic Human Anatomy
Saskatchewan University of Saskatchewan ACB 310 Basic Human Anatomy
USA (California) College of the Siskiyous BIO 12B Human Physiology
USA (California) East Los Angeles College ANATOMY 1 Introduction to Human Anatomy
USA (California) University of California-Berkeley X104 + X108 104: General Human Anatomy I
108: General Human Anatomy II
USA (California) University of California-Irvine BIO 11 Human Anatomy
USA (Florida) Broward College BSC 1085 + 1086 1085: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
1086: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
USA (Florida) Gulf Coast State College BSC 2085 + 2086 2085: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
2086: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
USA (Iowa) Dordt College BIOL 201 + 206 201: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
206: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
USA (Milwaukee) University of Milwaukee BIO SCI 202 Anatomy & Physiology I
USA (North Carolina) University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill EXSS 175 Human Anatomy II
USA (New York) Manhattan Community College BIO 425 + 426 425: Anatomy & Physiology I
426: Anatomy & Physiology II
USA (San Francisco) City College of San Francisco ANAT 25 General Human Anatomy
USA (San Francisco) San Francisco State University BIOL 328 Human Anatomy
USA (West Virginia) West Virginia University College NBAN 205 + 206 205: Introduction to Human Anatomy I
206: Introduction to Human Anatomy II
USA (Washington) Skagit Valley Community College BIOL 241 + 242 241: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
242: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
USA (Wisconsin) Madison Area Technical College AP 1 + 2 1: Anatomy & Physiology I
2: Anatomy & Physiology II

Images by Nino Liverani