We all know the value of investing in the next generation of health professionals and researchers.
Student awards and bursaries recognize emerging talent and encourage deserving individuals to pursue their passion for improving health.
Together, we will enlarge the circle of talented, compassionate people who are strengthening BC’s healthcare system for the future.
Please contact us directly if you would like to prepare a legacy, create a scholarship or support specific research.
We are also extremely grateful for donations to one of our current funds, outlined below.
Make a difference to a student

UBC Rehabilitation Sciences Alumni Margaret Hood Scholarship (C830)
Margaret Hood was the first occupational therapy instructor at UBC in 1961 and served as head, division of occupational therapy, until her retirement in 1979. She advocated for lifelong learning to advance the profession.
In honour of her tremendous contributions to the development of the Rehabilitation Sciences and Occupational Therapy programs at UBC, alumni initiated this scholarship for a meritorious occupational therapy student enrolled in the Rehabilitation Sciences graduate program leading to an MSc or PhD degree.
Your gift to this scholarship encourages exceptional students with both financial support and recognition of their academic and professional achievements.

UBC Rehabilitation Sciences Alumni Bursary (C200)
Your gift to this fund provides financial support to Master of Occupational Therapy and Master of Physical Therapy students.
Until 1981, students in the Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation (the BSR was the precursor of the MOT and MPT programs) received a stipend from the Province acknowledging their clinical work in healthcare settings. In 1982, the province discontinued the stipend, making it more difficult for students to manage the costs of pursuing their education.
The BSR Class of 1982, led by Nancy Cho, raised money for an endowed bursary to support students in financial need.
Over the past 30 years, the bursary has distributed over $60,000 to 48 students in both occupational therapy and physical therapy.
Make a difference to our research

Research Initiative Fund (G0140)
Join us in building research capacity in occupational science and occupational therapy. The small scale, innovative projects supported by this fund helps establish graduate students and faculty early in their research career to leverage future grants and large scale studies. Find out more about previous projects funded by this scheme.
Your gift helps us lay the groundwork for excellence in research and advancements in practice.

Occupational Therapy General Donations Fund (T649)
Gifts in this category help us upgrade student learning resources, classroom technology, therapy equipment, and emerging fieldwork placement opportunities or top-up bursaries, awards and grants.
Create your own legacy

Discuss your plans with us
We welcome new ideas and ways to support students and departmental research.
Simply contact us to discuss the vision for your legacy.