The UBC Occupational Therapy Student Society would like to invite prospective employers and occupational therapy organizations to the annual Occupational Therapy Job Fair, which will be held on May 25th, 2023 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm (PST). The event is kept virtual for 2023 to encourage employers across BC to participate.
Interested attendees are requested to RSVP using the Registration Form by May 11th, 2023. There are no registration fees; individuals interested in donating will be provided instructions on how to do so on the registration form. The job fair will be hosted on Zoom, and each employer will be able host a breakout room for a 2-hour period.
Employers that wish to participate should submit a short video (approximately 2-5 minutes) or PDF pamphlet about their workplace and its appeal to potential employees to ubcmot2023@gmail.com by May 18th, 2023.