September is the greatly-anticipated start of the academic year, and there is an exciting buzz of energy across the Department.
There are lots of things to do – preparing classrooms, settling into the new routine and supporting students as they start to plan out and navigate their studies for the next two years.
As always, we welcome a new cohort of students starting our Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program on the Point Grey campus; this year joined by the very first Fraser cohort, who will be based in Surrey.
We also welcome our second Northern cohort to Prince George, who, in their first week, have already embarked on field trips to Vanderhoof’s St. John Hospital and the Stellat’en Wellness Centre to learn first-hand about rural and Indigenous health care.
A warm welcome to all our new students!

New MOT students with Faculty of Medicine Vice Dean (Education), Dr. Roger Wong, at the Point Grey campus.

Department Head Dr. Susan Forwell welcomes our new students to the Department and to the MOT program.

Our first Fraser cohort in the MOT program, at the induction in Vancouver.

Our MOT Northern cohort on a field trip to Vanderhoof’s St. John Hospital and the Stellat’en Wellness Centre.

New students from our Vancouver and Fraser cohorts at the 2023 induction on the Point Grey campus.
Image credits: From OSOT students, faculty and staff, and Dr. Roger Wong