Dr. Laura Nimmon publishes invited perspective paper in Science (AAAS) on The Complexity of Physician Power

Portrait of Laura Nimmon, 2023

Dr. Laura Nimmon, Associate Professor in the department of OSOT and scientist at CHES, recently published in Science (AAAS) with an invited perspective piece on The Complexity of Physician Power. Dr. Nimmon’s article, and the related empirical Science study she provides expert insights on, were cited by the LA Times and many other international news sources.

We asked Laura what being published in such an impactful and prestigious journal means to her:

It is really exciting! To date, nobody in the field of health professions education (HPE) has ever published in Science. I have benefited in my career from thoughtful mentorship and collegial support in my HPE research community, so I am really honored to represent my field. Also, women are historically and currently underrepresented as authors in the highest impact journals like Science and Nature, so it feels really good to help boost up the numbers of women scientist/authors represented in these major journals.

Dr. Laura Nimmon

Many congratulations on being published in this prestigious journal! 

Image credit: OSOT