Archives by date

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World OT Day 2024: WhOT a wonderful day to be an OT ❤

October 27 is World Occupational Therapy Day! Connect with colleagues across the world with #WorldOTDay and consider your own answer to an important question…

Applications for our Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program are now open

Find out admission requirements, understand the application process and submit your application before January 15.

Dr. Jon Breen’s workshops change attitudes and reframe disabilities in the workplace

Drs. Jon Breen and Susan Forwell collaborated on a series of virtual workshops to reframe disabilities in the workplace.

Celebrating the life and work of Dr. Mike Prescott

The OSOT community was saddened by the loss of Dr. Mike Prescott. Take a moment to commemorate Dr. Prescott’s life and significant achievements in rehabilitation sciences and so much more.

Research that will transform access to services for young people who use substances

Dr. Kirsten Marchand’s youth-centred research into services for youth who use substances was featured in UBC’s IMH Showcase.

Collaborative social media project by Dr. Julia Henderson and Western Gold Theatre reclaims the phrase #HaveASeniorMoment

Take a peek at the reels under #HaveASeniorMoment, and be sure to celebrate having a senior moment more often!

2024 Paralympics raise the need for better provision of prosthetics

Learn how current policies limit accessibility to prosthetic technologies and how we can promote equitable access.

Info Session 2024: Find out more about the MOT program and whether it’s right for you

Oct 23, 2024 (12-1pm). Department representatives will discuss admission requirements, the content and structure of the program, along with a Q&A.

Changing Public Perceptions of People with Traumatic Brain Injury through UBC’s Public Scholars Initiative

PhD Student Rinni Mamman has been named a UBC Public Scholar for her study of perceptions of traumatic brain injury.

Improve your client outcomes with funds from the Mentored Clinician Partnership Program

Apply for support from a faculty mentor and up to $5,000 for release time to research or develop an idea