Associate Professor Emerita
My employment as an occupational therapist commenced in South Africa in the areas of mental health, spinal cord injury and stroke. After that, I worked at the University Hospital in London, Ontario, with people who had experienced strokes, spinal cord injuries and head injuries.
My interest in teaching and research led me to graduate studies at UBC. I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
Disability is not an individual functional issue, but a process and experience framed by particular contexts and experiences. My primary research interest was the interrelationship between disability and the social, economic and political environment. My goal was to enhance understanding of these issues.
I have examined adaptation to a stroke, employment following a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and community living following a spinal cord injury, all of which are influenced by factors at the individual level as well as factors at the social, economic and political levels.
I am the co-editor of a book entitled “Disability and Social Policy in Canada,” (2006) which examines policies related to employment, income, and housing of people with disabilities.
I was one of 4 lead investigators in a Social Sciences & Humanities Research grant obtained in March, 2009 ($1 million for 5 years). Mary Ann McColl (Queens University) was the principal investigator of this Disability Policy Alliance, which included researchers, disability advocates, and policymakers.
I am not currently teaching at UBC.
Graduate Research Program Chair, July 2008 – December 2011
Awards and Honours
BC Health Association Legacy Award for Contribution to Health Policy, March 2000
Select Publications
*link to articles provided when possible*
McColl, M. L Jongbloed, (Eds). (2006). Disability and Social Policy in Canada. Captus Press.
Jongbloed, L. (2003). Disability policy in Canada: An overview. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 13(4), 203-209.
Jongbloed, L., T.Wendland. (2002). The impact of reimbursement systems on occupational therapy practice in Canada and the United States of America. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(3), 143-152.
Jongbloed, L, C. Backman, S. Forwell, C Carpenter. (2007). Employment after spinal cord injury: The impact of government policies in Canada. Work, 29(2), 145-154.
Legg, L, L Drumond, J Gladman, S Corr, J Edmans, L Jongbloed and P. Langhorne. (2007). Occupational therapy for patients with problems in activities of daily living after stroke. British Medical Journal, 335, 922-930.
Legg, L, P Langhorne, HE Anderson, S Corr, A Drummond, P Duncan, A Gershkoff, L Gilbertson, J R F Gladman, E Hui, L Jongbloed, et al. (2004). Rehabilitation therapy services for stroke patients living at home: A systematic review of the randomized trials. Lancet, 363, 352-356.