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Meet our New Rehabilitation Sciences Students

The Graduate Programs in Rehabilitation Sciences, which the Departments of OSOT and Physical Therapy run jointly, welcomed new PhD and MSc students for January 2023.

Clinical Faculty Spotlight: Sarah Mills

In an interview with Sarah Mills, a Clinical Instructor for Occupational Therapy in Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) at Fraser Health, we learned more about her role, journey, goals, and her advice for aspiring clinical members.

Sarabjeet Charchun’s Story: A Personal and Professional Investment

Sarabjeet Charchun, an occupational therapist well known and respected for her roles in clinical, hospital leadership, and professional association advocacy work, was already well into a full and dynamic career when she returned to UBC to study in the online Masters in Rehabilitation Science (MRSc) program.

OSOT Celebrates “Baby Day”

MOT students celebrated Baby Day and learned about indicators of developmental milestones as they watched babies interact with their parents, toys, and the unfamiliar environment around them.