Our ever-growing team of clinical faculty members are clinicians who hold an unpaid, part-time appointment at UBC.
Clinical faculty are primarily engaged in the practice of their professions outside the university, but work with us to teach or train students in a specific, professional skill or specialization. Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy clinical faculty must be active, registered members of COTBC.
We currently have over 500 appointed clinical faculty members, with many from all regions of BC and who reside outside of the Vancouver area.
All have become an important part of our vibrant community of practitioners, researchers and students and learning ecosystem.
Apply to join our Clinical Faculty

Appointments are initially offered as Clinical Instructors. Download the Application for Clinical Faculty Appointment Form and submit via email to osot.head@ubc.ca. Please note an original signature is required on page 3 under the “Declaration”, along with a copy of your valid COTBC card.
If you are not applying as a clinical instructor, please contact us for extra information.
Once your application has been submitted, you will receive a note from the department within a week.
Your applications will be reviewed by the Clinical Faculty Committee and recommendations will be made to the Dean as appropriate. If you do not hear back after a week, please contact the department (osot.head@ubc.ca).
Benefits available to Clinical Faculty Members

- Personal Satisfaction: Contribute to the profession and shape your future colleagues
- Professional Development: Develop new and existing instructor skills and strengthen your clinical skills.
- UBC Library: Access to the second largest medical library collection in Canada, including online journals. Access is also available at home.
- Workshops/Course Discounts: Attend a variety of life sciences workshops, receive decreased rates on all UBC-sponsored continuing medical education courses and free faculty development courses.
- UBC Card: Grants you access to UBC Library services and vendor discounts at the bookstore, aquatic centre, fitness facilities and the UBC food services bonus plan.
- Computer Software: Educational pricing on software through the UBC Bookstore.
- Travel Benefits: Access to an established travel program that allows BC government travel rates and university affiliated rates.
- Airport Parking: Save 25% at Park and Fly at the Vancouver International Airport.
- UBC Botanical Gardens: Free membership.
- UBC Museum of Anthropology: Free membership.
Find out more about these benefits and additional resources available to clinical faculty
Roles within our Clinical Faculty

Clinical Instructor
Initial appointments are typically at this rank and are normally held for 3 to 5 years. Reappointments may be granted for 10 years and are renewable upon review.
A candidate for appointment and reappointment at this rank will meet the following:
- Demonstrates an interest in, and a promising beginning to, teaching;
- Has demonstrated competence in clinical practice and a willingness to relate their practice to teaching;
- Provides at least a minimum academic contribution over a two-year period for reappointment.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Appointments at this rank may be made for up to 10 years, renewable upon review.
A candidate for appointment, reappointment, or promotion to this rank will meet some or all of the following:
- Has demonstrated capability as a teacher;
- Has demonstrated competence in clinical practice and a willingness to relate practice to teaching;
- Provides approximately 50 hours of academic contribution over a two-year period;
- Please see other applicable criteria in the Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointment (p.3).
Clinical Associate Professor
Appointments at this rank may be made for up to 10 years, renewable upon review.
A candidate for appointment, reappointment, or promotion to this rank will meet some or all of the following:
- Has consistently received good formal teaching evaluations;
- Has the reputation of being a highly competent clinician;
- Provides more than 50 hours of academic contribution over a two-year period;
- Please see other applicable criteria in the Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointment (p.3).
Clinical Professor
Appointments at this rank are normally held for 10 years, renewable upon review.
A candidate for appointment, reappointment, or promotion to this rank will meet the criteria of the lower rank as well as some or all of the following:
- Has demonstrated skills as an enthusiastic, effective and devoted leader in the educational program and has received formal teaching evaluations that indicate they are an excellent teacher who continually stimulates learners;
- Is recognized by peers as being an outstanding clinician who has made documented significant contributions to professional practice in their hospital, agency, professional organization, the Faculty of Medicine and/or UBC;
- Provides more than 50 hours of academic contribution over a two-year period;
- Please see other applicable criteria in the Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointment (p.4).
Clinical Emeritus
Individuals holding Clinical Faculty appointments may be eligible for emeritus status at the time of retirement/resignation from active University service if they are recommended by their Department/School and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and meet all of the following criteria:
- A minimum of 15 years of continuous service;
- Hold the rank of Clinical Associate Professor or Clinical Professor or demonstrate an acceptable scholarly record that has been reviewed at the Department/School and Faculty of Medicine levels according to established University procedures for equivalent level;
- Demonstrate service that is strongly identified with the University and deemed worthy of continuing recognition.
Applying for Promotion

To apply for promotion, please email osot.head@ubc.ca with a cover letter outlining how you meet the criteria of the role, along with an updated CV using the UBC template (please find the template provided under ‘Useful Information’ below).
Applications are accepted all year round.
Your application for promotion will be reviewed at the next quarterly meeting of the Clinical Faculty Committee and recommendations will be made to the Dean as appropriate.
Useful Information
UBC Curriculum Vitae Templates
Register for a Campus-Wide Login (CWL)
CWL is UBC’s single sign-on authentication system and is designed to give you access to all UBC online resources using the same username and password. A UBC ID number is needed in order to register for a CWL account. Register for your CWL.
Apply for your UBC Card / Library Card
The UBC card provides you with access to all UBC Library services as well as access to discounts from various vendors. If you do not require the additional features that the UBC card provides, you may apply for a UBC Library Card, which provides access to library services only. Your UBC ID number is needed to apply for either card.
- Go to Clinical Faculty Services & Perks
- Click on the UBC card tab or the Library tab as desired
- Click on the appropriate links to apply for your UBC card or library access
Clinical Faculty Policies
Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments
- The key document for our Clinical Faculty is the Faculty of Medicine’s Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments.
UBC Respectful Environment Statement for Students, Faculty and Staff
- Read the Respectful Environment Statement for Students Faculty and Staff
- Visit the Respectful Environment Statement website
- Visit the UBC Bullying & Harassment Prevention website
Resources from the Faculty of Medicine
- Explore the Faculty of Medicine’s additional personal, academic and research benefits
- View UBC CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for an overview of professional development offerings available to faculty in the Faculty of Medicine.
- Visit the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) website to learn more about the Faculty Programs available. CTLT offers development programs for faculty members at different stages of their careers to support teaching and learning. In addition, CTLT provides information on current research on teaching and learning theories and methods.
- Clinical Faculty Advisory Council
- Clinical Faculty spotlight from across the Faculty of Medicine
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be in British Columbia to be a member of clinical faculty?
We require that all members of our clinical faculty are registered members of COTBC. If you are no longer a member of COTBC, your clinical faculty status will be removed.
What happens when I retire?
Please contact us at osot.head@ubc.ca to let us know about your retirement plans. We will update our directory and database.
Update your contact information
Help us keep in touch. Login to Workday with your CWL to update your personal information (how-to guide).
Sign up for our newsletter
Keep up-to-date on our latest research, awards and events with our quarterly newsletter.
Resource Centre
All faculty members are welcome to visit the Resource Centre to learn more about what’s available to them at UBC.